Make sure your friends are OKAY.

Every day when I look around I can see love, smiling faces and happiness, but sadly more often I see and feel the pain hided by these smiley faces all around.
Everybody has their own problems, however, we have no right to judge ANYONE.
I DO believe problems can be solved if we communicate more.

As a strong introvert I can tell you I can express my thoughts and feelings through writing better but also I know how important is talking to each other and how social media can be hateful place and used as a tool to torture broken souls.
My situation a few years ago helped me to understand I don't want anyone to feel like that, being completely alone with no one who you can tell everything. No one deserves it.

As you may know I've done a form about feelings, a topic that is often disregarded. It was interesting to read how people are honest when it is anonymous. They are simply don't afraid to tell the truth because no one is going to judge them. Also it was hard to read how some people are struggling so much they can't even love themselves.

Don't forget people can feel lonely even tho they do have friends. Or "friends".
So why am I writing this?
I'm afraid there are people who need our help. Who need someone to talk with. To hug someone.

I'm asking YOU ALL. Be kind to everyone, talk with people, be interested in them, don't let anyone to feel alone and broken.
If you see someone who is sad even tho it doesn't really seem so, ask them about their feelings. Or just listen. Sometimes it is enough to listen and don't judge.

If you are struggling with something currently but you are not strong enough to ask someone for help, I have some tips that could help.

  • breathe deeply
  • write it down, everything that is on your mind
  • don't force yourself to do anything. Just don't.
  • stop following accounts on IG that makes you feel sad, jealous and posts that make you pain in some way, follow cute animals, kind posts (etc.) instead. It helps so much!
  • never ever compare yourself with someone else, if you do (which happens, don't be ashamed of it, let it go away spontaneously) that, stop following or concentrating on the "trigger point"  and try to find something else
  • cry, shout and so on if you need
  • try to don't hide your emotions

 How to ASK for help:

  • don't wait for the "perfect" opportunity
  • be clear (your REAL feelings)
  • feeling uncomfortable is a part of it
And also tips for those who WANT TO help:
  • sometimes the best way to be a friend is simply BEING there

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

You all are unique and beautiful people with a wonderful soul, which deserves to spread love and happiness. You are stronger than you know.

Thank you for reading this. I hope it can help at least one person, one beautiful human being.

With love


  1. I love you so much jesus! This is so relatable, that I've been just nodding the whole time, while reading this. I know, that if I didn't reach for help on my own, I wouldn't probably be here right now. And let me tell you - it was soooooo hard. Like it took me nearly a year to tell someone about my ED and suicidal behaviour. I went through hell. And it could have been so much easier, if someone just look closely. But it's always been like that - people who suffer the most, are the ones who laugh laudest. Noone noticed anything, even I had clear alarming signs that my mentall health is going downhill. Like I said - if you say that you're fine, there is almost noone who would ask "but are you really?". That is such a problem. People became colder, apathetic and selfish. Let's talk about it more! Let's expose our feelings, let's not be ashamed of feeling something negative.
    Thank you for this article, it warmed my heart, that there is still someone who cares about others.
    You are wonderful person, just keep writing, please! <3

    1. Katieee, I luv yaaa, thank you so much for an amazing comment and also I'm sorry for late reply. However, I see you as one of the strongest people I've ever met. You are so beautiful and clever girl and despite the fact you struggle with your own problems, you are always here for me and others. You are a special person and even tho we don't spend much time together currently, when we talk to each other, I feel so safe and you just understand me and listen to me.
      So never forget how beautiful and so, so nice girl are you! Sending you a big virtual hug!


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